Come and Join Us

Tewkesbury Town Band is always keen to meet new players of any standard, who are looking to make the occasional visit, or commit to becoming a regular member of one of our bands.

 Tewkesbury Town Band - Events



Current Vacancies:

  • Cornets (Position Negotiable).

  • B Bass.


Although, we do welcome anyone to come and blow!


The Senior band practices are every Wednesday evening 7:00pm til 9:00pm and Sunday evening 7.00pm til 9.00pm.

We also have a training band which is always open to people wishing to learn to play a brass instrument.

Training band details can be found on Training band page.

 Tewkesbury Town Band - Events Tewkesbury Town Band - Events

Please drop an email via our Contact Us page if you would like to attend a practice session.